
By Mr Cheong Tak Leong, Director, Standards, Enterprise Singapore and Mr Laurence Liew, Director, AI Singapore, and Chairman, AI Technical Committee under Singapore Standards Council’s IT Standards Committee. This article was first published on APAC CIO Outlook. Artificial intelligence. Up until recently, the term would bring to mind science fiction movies or books. Technology however, has now made it a part of our everyday life. Take Surbana Jurong as an example. Based on lift sensor ...

As governments around the world make sustainability a priority, more businesses need to quickly get on board. At the recent United Nations General Assembly, China pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. The US, under a Biden administration, is expected to commit to achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050. Singapore itself has also launched the Zero Waste Masterplan to ...

Emerging technologies have introduced both challenges and opportunities for businesses today. Areas such as artificial intelligence, blockchain and augmented reality are starting to play a greater role in the economy. To protect themselves against risks as well as thrive in this challenging business climate, companies need to be organisationally resilient. They have to ensure that the right systems and processes are in place, and their products and services meet international standards. ...

Through Industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), additive manufacturing and more, manufacturing companies have the potential to be more innovative, efficient, productive and sustainable. McKinsey’s 2018 Industry 4.0: Reinvigorating ASEAN Manufacturing for the Future report estimates that manufacturers in ASEAN could achieve productivity gains worth US$216 billion to US$627 billion (~S$ 294 billion to S$853 billion) upon implementing I4.0 technologies ...

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