SS 564-1 :2020 (Redline)
Sustainable data centres - Part 1 : Energy and environmental management systems
SS 564-2 :2020 (Redline)
Sustainable data centres - Part 2 : Guidance for energy and environmental management systems
SS 576:2019 (Redline)
Code of practice for earthworks in the vicinity of electricity cables
SS 578:2019 (Redline)
Code of practice for the use and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers
SS 580:2020 (Redline)
Code of practice for formwork
SS 584:2020 (Redline)
Specification for multi-tiered cloud computing security
SS 586-1:2021 (Redline)
Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods – Part 1 :...
SS 586-2:2022 (Redline)
Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods – Part 2:...
SS 586-3:2022 (Redline)
Specification for hazard communication for hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods – Part 3:...