SS 659:2020 (Redline)
Code of practice for scaffolds
SS 679:2021 (Redline)
Code of practice for workplace safety and health management system for construction worksites
SS ISO 14067:2024
Greenhouse gases – Carbon footprint of products – Requirements and guidelines for quantification
SS ISO 23662:2024
Definitions and technical criteria for foods and food ingredients suitable for vegetarians or...
TR 125:2024
Mass rapid transit (MRT) operations – Guide for the use of on-track equipment
TR 56-1 :2020 (Redline)
LNG bunkering - Part 1: General introduction
TR 56-2:2020+A1:2022 (Redline)
LNG bunkering - Part 2 : Requirements for custody transfer
TR 56-3:2020 (Redline)
LNG bunkering - Part 3 : Procedures and safety distances
TR 56-4 :2020 (Redline)
LNG bunkering - Part 4 : Competency requirements for personnel