SS 375-3:2015(2024)+A1:2024+C1:2024

Suitability of non-metallic materials and products for use in contact with water intended for human consumption with regard to their effect on the quality of the water – Part 3: High temperature tests


This standard describes methods designed to assess the ability of a non metallic product to affect hot and boiling water intended for human consumption by imparting a discernible odour or flavour, or any noticeable colour or turbidity. It is also applicable in assessing the leachability in hot or boiling water of metals from non metallic products and the extraction from such products of substances that may be of concern to public health. It is not applicable to the test for growth of aquatic microorganisms (see SS 375 : Part 2:4). Products used exclusively in industrial or steam services are excluded.


This standard was first published in 2015. It was confirmed with amendments in 2024. Amendments can be obtained from the Singapore Standards eShop.


Status Current
Edition 2015(2024)+A1:2024+C1:2024
No. of Pages 8
ICS Classification 13.060.20 Drinking water
Committee Environment and Resources Standards Committee
Available for Purchase Global
Adoption BS 6920-3 : 2000 IDT