SS 333:2022 (Redline)
Specification for fire dampers
SS 512:2021 (Redline)
Code of practice for the design, construction and operation of pipeline service corridors
SS 515:2021 (Redline)
Code of practice for supervision of structural works
SS 524:2021 (Redline)
Specification for quality management for bunker supply chain (QMBS)
SS 531-3 :2019 (Redline)
Code of practice for lighting of work places – Part 3 : Lighting requirements for safety and...
SS 546:2022 (Redline)
Code of practice for emergency voice communication systems in buildings
SS 548:2022 (Redline)
Code of practice for the selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
SS 550:2020 (Redline)
Code of practice for installation, operation and maintenance of electric passenger and goods...
SS 551:2022 (Redline)
Code of practice for earthing